Interpreting is basically the communication of one language (either orally or using sign language) into another language. Our interpreters can provide accurate consecutive and simultaneous interpreting services. We offer face-to-face and telephonic interpretation services in several languages.
- Face-to-Face Interpretation services
- Telephonic Interpretation Services
- American Sign Language (ASL)

Face to face interpretation is the most efficient interpretation services. It occurs when an interpreter is physically on site to the location where the service is taking place. Face to face interpreter repeats the information from the source language into the target language.

Telephonic Interpretation services are the lowest interpretation cost. It happens remotely (with the use of the phone). Interpreters can be scheduled immediate. The speaker can reach our language specialists. Usually, it takes 45 – 90 seconds for merging the calls from both parties.

In order to make communication flowing, RH Language Solutions provides face-to-face ASL Interpretation Services. Spoken by millions of people, ASL is an overall body language. The words are communicated through gestures and face expressions. Our ASL Interpreters communicate through the use of theirs hand signs and body movement being part of the grammar.
The key to our success is due to our interpreters who are experience and certified on a state or national level. It means they are all assured by strict Standards of Ethical Behavior, which include three main concepts: Confidentiality, Impartiality and Integrity.
At RH Language Solutions we believe face-to-face interpretation with certified ASL Interpreters is the only possible way to provide our client reliable ASL interpretation services.
Our interpreters are proud to provide you with ASL Interpretation services and connect people who communicate through ASL to the hearing world. And for those who are blind or deaf-blind, our interpreters make the spoken word visible.